RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block gives an incredible experience of cooking. As it adds a unique flavor to the food and makes the food nutritious. Because RFS Tradings Pink Salt has 84 plus essential minerals which impart while seasoning or cooking on salt block. We will now dig into how to use RFS Tradings salt cooking block:
How to use RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block?
A RFS Tradings salt cooking block, also known as a RFS Tradings salt Cooking plate, is an excellent alternative way for quickly grilling meats and vegetables. As well as these salt cooking blocks are good for a cold serving platter for fresh fruit, sushi, cheeses, desserts, or ice cream.

The use of RFS Tradings salt cooking plate is very simple to learn and can be performed with a little study, preparation, and patience. Here are some steps to follow.
Heating RFS Tradings Salt Block Slowly
Heat your RFS Tradings salt cooking block gently in increments over a burner. This is done to avoid abrupt temperature changes from causing the salt cooking block to fracture or shatter. We are seeking a consistent temperature at which to cook and even serve our prepared meals.
Step 1: Place the salt cooking block on a gas stovetop on low heat for about 15 minutes to warm up.
- If you are using a grill, utilise indirect heat and keep the salt block away from direct flames.
- If you do not have a gas burner, you may heat the salt cooking block in the oven by placing it on a metal baking pan. Using oven mitts, you can conveniently move the salt block this way.
Step 2: Increase the heat to medium and wait 15 minutes for the temperature of the salt block to rise.
Step 3: Finally, turn up the heat to high for at least another 15 minutes.
When will the RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block be ready to cook on?

The temperature of the completely heated salt cooking block should be between 425 and 500 degrees Fahrenheit. An infrared or laser thermometer is the best technique to determine the temperature of your salt cooking block. Don’t worry if you don’t have one. Alternatively, a few droplets of water can be sprayed onto the salt cooking block. It should immediately sizzle and dry.
It is not necessary to know the actual temperature. If you keep your salt cooking block on high heat, it will remain enough heated for a long time to cook your meat, fish, or vegetables, and you can serve the prepared item on the same RFS Tradings salt cooking block. Even after being removed from the heat source, your salt cooking block will keep its heat for at least 30-45 minutes.
Safety Tip (FIRE HAZARD): Because we are all used to using pots and pans for everyday cooking, keep it in mind that a salt cooking block has no raised sides to catch oil or food that may run down the edge. If your stove is set to high, residue will reach your heat source and catch fire. To avert potential calamities, have a fire extinguisher nearby.
How to Cook with a RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block
Cooking techniques differ from person to person. It appears that seasoning your meat and vegetables heavily and pre-coating them in some high temperature frying oil before placing the item onto the salt cooking block is the best way to cook them.
Is Seasoning Food Cooked on a RFS Tradings Salt Block Necessary?
It is important to remember that cooking on a salt block does not transmit enough salt into your dish to impact its flavor. So, It is good to season your meat and vegetables thoroughly before grilling them on a hot salt block.
How to Prevent Food Sticking to Your RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block?

Different outcomes are obtained depending on what you’re cooking, especially when it comes to the sticking issue. Softer items, such as shellfish (salmon fillets) or lean slices of pork, will stick to your salt cooking block. Because we are not using a pan or pot to store liquid oil, it is common practice to oil your meal before placing it on the hot salt cooking block. To prevent the oil from burning, use standard vegetable oil or, even better, a high temperature cooking oil, such as avocado oil. Another approach is to cover or better yet, marinade your items in an oil-based vinaigrette before grilling them on a salt cooking block.
Example Vinaigrette for Salt Block and Cooking Wisk together:
- A third of a cup extra-virgin olive oil.
- A quarter cup balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, cider vinegar, or lemon juice.
- 1 tablespoon grainy Mustard Dijon
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon of black or white pepper
- 1 shallot, minced (optional)
- 2 garlic cloves, minced (optional)
- herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil, or mint) chopped (optional)
- 1 teaspoon honey (optional)
Because oil and vinegar do not mix, you must whisk or shake all of the ingredients in a closed container before coating or marinating your meat, fish, or vegetables.
Oiling of RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block after heating

If you are cooking lean pieces of meat or seafood, apply a thin coating of high-temperature cooking oil to the surface before laying your seasoned, oiled meal on it to cook. Canola oil or any high temperature cooking oil aerosol spray can be used (such as Avocado oil, or regular olive oil). If you do not have an aerosol spray can, you may use a basting brush to add vegetable oil (dip the brush in oil, apply to the heated salt cooking block).
Once the block has been heated and oiled, gently place your seasoned and pre-oiled meats, seafood, or vegetables on top of the hot salt cooking block and watch the magic unfold. Cook until desired doneness, flipping every 2 minutes to produce an even char.
To prevent sticking, use a set of tongs to gently mix and/or move/slide your meal (like you would on any other grilling surface). Even a few millimeters of sliding your meat or fish every few seconds will keep it from sticking and will not slow down the cooking process.
Even after being removed from the heat source, your salt cooking block will remain the heated temperature for 30 to 45 minutes.
Cooking Veggies on a RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block
Here are some vegetables you can cook on your RFS Tradings salt cooking block (be sure to spray thoroughly in vinaigrette or oil and seasoning):
- Asparagus
- Beans, Green
- Carrots Brussel sprouts
- Red bell peppers
- Onions
- Tomatoes
Meats that are ideal for cooking on a RFS Tradings salt block
Any rapid fried or soft cut of beef, pig, or fish works nicely (make careful to season and cover your meat/fish with cooking oil and/or vinaigrette):
- Ribeye steak
- Striploin/New York Strip steak
- Porkchops (be sure to marinate in oil and vinaigrette and seasoning)
- Salmon, with or without skin (lightly oiled and seasoned)
- scallops (oiled and seasoned)
- Shrimp (coated in oil and vinaigrette, and seasoned)
Keeping Your RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block Clean
RFS Tradings salt dissolves in water just like any other salt. After cooking, the easiest method to clean your salt plate is to use a metal spatula to remove any food, then wipe clean with a moist towel. In general, you shouldn’t be concerned about bacterial contamination because salt is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, and it’s sterile if kept clean.
Is it Worth It to Cook on a Salt Cooking Block?
Opinions differ on whether it’s worth cooking on a salt block because it takes some prep work and patience to heat them up before cooking. Cleaning is another sensitive duty.
One thing is certain: serving a sizzling hot platter of grilled meats or vegetables is thrilling, and your guests will be wowed by the presentation.