The use of salt block is most effectively used in more than one unique ways. Obviously, Himalayan Salt cooking block has got more than one effective & most vital use that makes it something special from the Himalayas. As they are the biggest mountain ranges in the world filled with a number of resources & salt cooking block are one of them.
The Himalayan salt block is used for cooking as being a rich resource. Something, which is a very vital natural resource from Pakistan. Hence, making Pakistan as resource rich. Thus, apart from a number of natural resources. A huge acknowledgement that makes the country very resourceful in the natural resources.
As we are well aware about the fact that Himalayan Salt Block just aren’t your typical cookware. However, they are efficiently dense. As well as, very unique in terms of the usage as they conduct the heat efficiently. However, very gradually. A key reason why the slab retains the heat so efficiently well as well as seasons food evenly. The use is a must but with the necessary care and with the help of precautions.
It is the use of the Himalayan Salt block. Something, which can be used for the sake of curing thinly sliced meats. Apart from this, fish and the seafood. The curing process takes place very slowly and gradually. That is, after simply making it chill the natural salt slab in the refrigerator for several hours. Hence, before it is consumed for the sake of going ahead with the chilling process.
The use of the salt blocks in the Kitchen apart from Salt block cooking is something that makes it very effective for the sake of most effective & most wanted utilisation in the kitchen.
- A unique & most common usage of the salt blocks in the kitchen is for the sake of cleaning the stove as it acts as a cleaning agent. In fact, pink salt block is a cleaning agent. Also, serves as a catalyst that reacts with other ingredients that includes vinegar. Alternatively, the baking soda for the sake of arouse cleaning as well as decay actions.
The everyday process of dish-washing can also be done by mixing salt. Hence, apart from the baking soda and the dish soap. It is a mixture that is indeed most effective for the sake of cleaning the dishes. Hence, while it takes away the grease as well as at the same time keeps the sink deodorised with its gorgeous smell. Sprinkling of the pink salt block on the pans really helps in the cleansing. You just need to sprinkle it on the pans. Furthermore, then you can wait for some minutes. Obviously, to make it look effective. For best results just clean with soft paper towel.
- It can serve as a secondary refrigerator i.e. for keeping the things cold. This is a very unique and a valuable use of the Himalayan salt block. Obviously, as it has a tendency to stay really chilled for many hours. Thus, in similar ways as it can keep itself hot as well.
Acts as a very ideal dish for the sake of keeping food items like fruits, cheese, salmon etc. cool and really fresh for a longer period of time.
- Another unique usage for the Himalayan salt block is that it can be used as an Ice Cream maker. It is one of the best and easiest ice cream makers. Now it is really very easy to make ice cream by the use of Himalayan salt block.
- Apart from the many & most effective use of salt block it can even be used as an anti-bacterial cutting board. The cutting board needs being anti-bacterial so that the meat stays safe from bacteria or whatever that is being cut on the cutting board stays good and stays safe. The salt block serves as one of the best, a natural and an organic cutting board. The anti-bacterial properties that are in-built or natural ones keeps the germs and the bacteria away. It can be used for the sake of cutting anything & everything on it i.e. without the concern of contaminating food with the germs.
The most amazing thing is that you don’t need to wash it also never have to put them in the dishwasher. Only because of its natural antibacterial property make them self-cleansing. Just need to gently scrub the block with a sponge and wipe it dry with a clean towel.
- It can even be used as a perfect barbecue grill i.e. for the sake of your kitchen. Something found to be really beneficial when it comes to indoor grilling.
So, if you are in a mood to grill indoors, there is nothing better than the Himalayan salt blocks.